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Harveen Singh Bedi
Head CSR, Infoedge India Ltd

" We have been associated with Sarthak for the last two years. The Sarthak team is doing commendable work towards mainstreaming persons with disability. We support Sarthak’s Early Intervention Center at Sahibabad which provides therapeutic aid and special education to children facing development delays. During these unprecedented times of the pandemic and lockdown, the Sarthak team was adept at pivoting the program to online mode. Their dedication towards the cause ensured that parents also stepped up in role as trainers for their children. Rigorous case documentation was ensured; individualized therapy plans were prepared and online sessions were well monitored. We hope all of us bounce back from the present circumstances soon. "

Devender Singh
Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Haryana

" I have known sarthak as an organization for the last 4.5 to 5 years and their dedicated efforts to empower Pwds speaks volumes of their dedicated and focused approach. Govt. of Haryana has now sanctioned a plot to start a resource centre in Gurugram, which i believe will ensure even better outcomes for the most underprivileged community, together with their 3 existing centres supporting them in haryana. My best wishes to Sarthak for their humanitarian work. "

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Empowering You, Every Step of the Way

It aims at reaching to every nook and cranny across India and providing information, services and support to people with disability (PwD) at a click.